HomeArticles by: Ken Scambler

Ken Scambler

The abject failure of weak typing

Category: Tech
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More discussion on Hacker News, and the Clojure, Haskell, Rust and Programming subs on Reddit. Over the last few years of maintaining code old and new at REA, it has become abundantly clear that the neglect and misuse of type-systems has had a sharply negative impact on our codebases. Here we address the concrete causes and consequences, and propose concrete and achievable solutions. Types at REA REA’s codebases vary between statically typed languages such as Java and Scala on one hand, and “dynamic” languages such as Ruby, Javascript, and Perl…

Java to Scala cheatsheet

Category: Tech
Published on
We’ve started some new work in Scala!  Most of the back-end developers in the Residential team have a Java background though,  so we put together this cheatsheet to help get the team started. Scala does almost everything Java does, plus a whole lot of useful functional stuff.  There’s a direct analog in Scala for almost everything in Java. Keep in mind though, real idiomatic Scala needs a bit more than just Java semantics — there’s lots of really powerful and useful functional features and idioms that you can learn as…